Impulses and ideas for a successful day at the home office

While some people thrive on workplace conversations and love working with colleagues, others appreciate an opportunity for privacy and more flexible time planning that you have when you work from home. However one thing that most people miss is good furniture and equipment, interaction and structure. Our online workbook gives you tips and ideas for all aspects of working from home.

Working more productively? 3 tips to help

For most of us, the brain is the most important work tool at the moment. We need to treat it with the appropriate care. You will benefit from having a good working rhythm – and that in turn helps to tailor the daily routine optimally to your own needs.

Start the day positively

Mental training works – not just for top athletes. Set yourself up positively for the day by defining your intention. It might be to say “I’m open to whatever the day brings me” or perhaps “I’m oriented towards growth and success.”

Taking phases of concentration into account

Many people are only able to maintain focus for a maximum of 20-25 minutes. Dedicate yourself to one task and eliminate distractions. Then take a 5-minute break..

Using time management

With this approach it’s crucial to have

  • inbox for post and tasks
  • outbox
  • planning folder with a to-do list
  • schedule

Have you come across the GTD process – getting things done?

Then you can go through the following process between one and three times every day:

  1. sort your incoming mail
  2. process new orders/tasks
  3. plan your tasks into your schedule.

Trying GTD is really worthwhile!

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